Antonella A. Santana Jansen


Areas of Expertise

  • Tax Law


  • Spanish
  • English

Professional experience

Antonella A. Santana Jansen, with more than + 7 years of experience in the practice of Tax and Administrative Law. Her work focuses on the preparation of queries in the area of ​​Tax and Administrative Law, substantiation of tax procedures before national and municipal Tax Administrations and procedures before the courts with jurisdiction. 

She has advised domestic and foreign companies, banks, insurance companies, retail companies, industry and services, and has developed academic activities with publications as an active member of the Venezuelan Association of Tax Law.


  • Lawyer at the Central University of Venezuela (2016).
  • Diploma in International Tax Law from the Andrés Bello Catholic University (2022).
  • Advanced Studies on Income Tax from Andrés Bello Catholic University (2018)
  • Specialty in Tax Law at the Center for Postgraduate Studies of the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences of the Central University of Venezuela (2017-present)


  • Member of the Venezuelan Association of Tax Law


  • "The current form of municipal taxation in Venezuela and its impact on property rights", The municipal tax pseudo-harmonization, Venezuelan Association of Tax Law, Caracas, May 2022.
  • "Municipal taxation in Venezuela and its impact on Property Law", Property Law Observatory, Center for the Diffusion of Economic Knowledge. We defend individual freedom, private initiative and property rights (CEDICE), Caracas, July 2021.
  • "The inoperability of tax arbitration to the detriment of the taxpayer's right to strategically manage their tax disputes", XVIII Venezuelan Conference on Tax Law, Venezuelan Association of Tax Law, Caracas, November 2019.