Oswaldo Anzola


Areas of Expertise

  • Tax Law
  • Corporate Law
  • Oil and Gas


  • Spanish
  • English

Professional experience

Oswaldo Anzola is a Partner at Romen, with + 53 years of professional experience. His activity is focused on the tax and corporate area, where he provides advice to national and foreign companies in oil, gas, banking, insurance, telecommunications, pharmaceutical, petrochemical, and construction activities.

Specifically, he develops his professional activity in the areas of national, state and municipal taxes, tax and estate planning, agreements to avoid double taxation, preparation and filing of administrative and contentious tax appeals against objections and other acts emanating from the national tax administrations, state and municipal, contracts, exchange control and foreign exchange market, among others. He has been an advisor to foreign oil companies in different association agreements for operations in Venezuela. He has participated in transactions in the capital market, such as asset securitization, issuance and placement of debentures and shares.


  • Lawyer from Universidad Católica Andrés Bello (1967) Mention Cum Laude.
  • Attended the training program for lawyers given by the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and the Harvard Law School in 1984.


  • He has been a professor of different subjects related to tax law (Fiscal Legislation, Income Tax and Financial Law) at the Andrés Bello Catholic University (Caracas) and the Central University of Venezuela, in undergraduate and postgraduate courses.
  • Former member of the Evaluation Commission and Opposition Competitions for Entry and Permanence in the Judiciary in the Supreme Court of Justice (2001).
  • Founding member of the Venezuelan Association of Tax Law.
  • Former member of the International Fiscal Association of the Venezuelan-American Chamber of Commerce.
  • Member of the International Bar Association.
  • Member of the "Foreign Lawyers Forum" (American Bar Association), with the position of Reporter of Venezuela for Tax Affairs.
  • Member of the Tax Committee of the Venezuelan American Chamber.
  • Lecturer at the seminar "Management Update on the New Organic Tax Code" at the Venezuelan Association of Executives (2001).
  • Lecturer at the seminar “Ilicit Taxes and Sanctions (2001).
  • Former Head of the Department of Doctrine in the General Administration of Income Tax.
  • Bar Association of the Capital District (1967).
  • Honorary Member of the Bar Association of the Republic of Panama.
  • Active Member of the Bolivarian Society of Panama.


Several articles published in the Public Law Magazine and in the Tax Law magazine. Several articles on oil matters published by Funeda. Legal and Tax Regime applicable to private participation in extra-heavy crude oil extraction, processing, transportation and marketing projects in the Orinoco Oil Belt, Petroguía Magazine 2011.

Awards and certificates

  • Awarded by the Academy of Political and Social Sciences, the Monteávila University, the Andrés Bello Catholic University, the Venezuelan Association of Tax Law and the Juan Manuel Cajigal Civil Association on the occasion of the VI Aníbal Dominici Conference.
  • Certificate granted by the INTEGRATED NATIONAL SERVICE OF CUSTOMS AND TAX ADMINISTRATION (SENIAT), for having participated as a speaker in the VI Tax Forum, Impact of tax reforms for the 21st century.
  • Certificate granted by PDVSA Gas, for his participation in the “Gas Businesses and Contracts” seminar.
  • Diploma awarded by the Andrés Bello Catholic University in recognition of the services rendered as a professor for 30 years at said Institution.
  • Recognition as an honorary member of the Venezuelan Association of Financial Law.
  • Recognition granted by the Group of Public Accountants of the Carabobo State for his work as a speaker in 2009.
  • Acknowledgments granted by the Members of the UCAB Public Accountants Promotions 1974, 1976, 1979 and 1981 in recognition of his merits as a teacher.
  • Godfather of the Promotions of Public Accountants of the Andres Bello Catholic University 1978 and 1980.
  • Eponym of the Promotion of Public Accountants of the Universidad Católica Andrés Bello 1977.